Boring, Bored, Bore
Boring: tr.v. To make weary by being dull, repetitive, or tedious. Bored: adj. The state of being weary or uninterested due to repetition, tediousness, or dullness. Bore: n. One that is wearingly dull, repetitive, or tedious. Though I am often weary of the repetitious nature of housework, I am rarely bored. I am, however, increasingly concerned that I am becoming boring. Boring as dirt (in a non- Hodgins way). That’s why I was so interested in this article in today’s Boston Globe, as the author discovers much to his dismay, that he is becoming boring. After initial assessment of his own dullness, the author discusses how people are boring when they think they know it all (i.e. a bore) and how they are charming when they actually do know it all but hold it close to the vest. That’s more of a personality issue. My concern with being boring is limited to my being boring to even myself . Sadly, this sometimes happens. But what struck me as mo...