Bad Penny?

Here’s a little morality tale called Frank and His Dog (Prelinger Achives) from 1952.

The moral of the story:  Cats are bad.

Maybe that’s what I get out of this video because it strikes a little too close to home.  Maybe I have a distinct dislike of cats coming onto my property and my having to pay for an operation on that trespassing cat because my beautiful and sweet greyhound rescue dog – who was trained in Ireland with live bait – was minding her own business on her own property when live BAIT came into her yard!

But I'm not too bitter about it anymore. I've learned from the experience. I've learned that even if your house is cat-free and your yard is fenced in, cats are everywhere!

Here are some tips for making your greyhound rescue cat-friendly. Learn from my mistake; even if you don't have a cat, your greyhound needs to be cat-friendly.  They're too damn fast for the cat to get away and for you to intervene in time.

While I don’t think I’ll get another greyhound rescue for a while, I must say that every greyhound I've ever met is gentle, loving, and a very sweet companion.  And they look a little like Spy vs. Spy.

Find an Adopt a Greyhound near you. 


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