It is with a heavy heart that I write this post this afternoon. The WKC has just jumped the shark in placing an alien footstool (thank you Eric Asimov) on the same pedestal with such dog greats as Uno, Carlee, James, not to mention Rufus! This little dirty-cotton-candy-dragger-gone-bad dustmop shouldn’t even be in the same species as the regal Rufus.  If I were a cussin’ gal (and I am) I might scream out WTF WKC!?!  But as this is a family blog (sort of), I’ll constrain my colorful language to initials. Still, I try to remember that like the Poodle, the Peke-devil may be in the do.  (Of course that doesn't explain its motion like that of an inanimate object under the influence of dark magic.)

At least you could see its eyes. Malachy or Malarkey?

Now that that unpleasantness is out of the way, let me get to some of the good parts of the show.  In the Sporting Group, where there are lots of nice, real dogs, I would have chosen the black and white Pointer, the Weimaraner, or the Field Spaniel.  But the judge went with the gorgeous-but-dumb Irish Setter.  Sure, she’s a working mom as David Frei pointed out last night, delivering a little of 15 puppies last May(!), but that hardly makes her the best dog choice. It’s also possible that due to my past bad experience with the Irish Setter, I may have an irrational hatred of this beast.  At least that’s what my daughter said. Of course, that’s easy for her to say, she’s never met one, let alone been herded by one!  

Next group, the Working Group, held many of my favorites.  From the noble looking Anatolian Shepherd Dog to the fierce looking black box (aka: the Black Russian Terrier) these were dogs that you could be proud to share your life with! Sadly, I think that I am falling out of love with the Cane Corso as he looked more morose and drooly than strong and confident. But, finally, there was a group judgment I could agree with! The sleek and well-proportioned Doberman Pinscher, Fifi, won the group!!! Yay!
Photo from NBC Sports
Fifi and owner sharing a little rest in the benching area.

While I've always liked the apparent focus of the Dobermans, I think that I am leaning more toward their breed traits in my next dog search.  (For the record, only in times of severe stress would I agree to sleep in the crate with my dog.  Thus, it is essential that I get a bigger dog than I have now for the years ahead.)

Finally, the tenacious terriers trotted into the tournament ring. Yeah. I wasn't so much charmed by this lot this time either. I liked the Airedale, the Irish Terrier, and of course, the Colored Bull Terrier, and  I enjoyed seeing Adam, the Phantom of the Opera-faced smooth fox terrier again, but none really struck me as the one. Okay. Maybe Zeb, the Australian Terrier, with his wind-tunnel front stood out from the pack a little. 
But the judge chose Kerry Blue Terrier. Meh.

I’ve already told you who won, so except for the 10:55PM emergency late-night phone call of shared outrage from my daughter at college, the rest of the evening was a serious downer.  

I think my next WKC adventure might be with the World Kettlebell Club. THAT’S how disappointed I am.

To end on a positive note, however, you can read some funny live tweets from the Guardian. Sadly, this does not change the outcome. You have been warned.


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