Lucky Charms Chicken Salad

Ever since I began to flirt with cooking again, I've been making some combination of this delightful chicken salad using Well Fed mayonnaise which we always have on hand.  Also always on hand are cooked chicken breasts as my family became partial to the dark meat seemingly overnight! Armed with those two ingredients I came up with a chicken salad that I love! And I never liked chicken salad.

Here is my perfected recipe, but you can throw in whatever colorful “charms” you might have in the veggie/fruit drawer that can hold their own in the melange.

2 whole cooked chicken breasts, cubed into ½ inch pieces,
1 large, or 2 small celery stalks, diced,
5 large, or 10 small chive stalks, chopped to ½ inch pieces,
1 large or 2 small carrots, peeled and diced,
15 walnut halves chopped,
4 large or 6 medium strawberries, diced,
¼ cup of blueberries (if they’re not too tart).

Add a heaping spatula full of Well Fed mayonnaise and if you're very daring, 1 tsp. of cinnamon.

This one has no blueberries as ours were very tart. 

It’ll feed one hungry you, or a dainty you and two polite others.  Actually, I think I made a double batch when it fed all three of us!  If you can manage to make it the day before you want to eat in in order to keep in the fridge overnight, so much the better. I've found that it disappears well before the flavor combinations have time to fully develop.

Try it. I promise . . . it's magically delicious!


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