The Accordian Job

Every year one of the churches in our town holds a country fair in September. Every year we innocently go to this fair and poke around. Every year we come home with bags of books: books we've heard of, books we've had, books with recipes, books with pictures, books with hardcovers, books with paper covers, book without covers, books, books, books.

Well, you get the idea.

This year, in the spirit of decluttering, minimizing, and cleaning, I've decided we need to pull an accordian job at the fair.

This accordian player finishes a gig, throws his accordian into his car and starts home. On the way he stops at a convenience store to get a drink but forgets to lock his door.  He comes out of the store, opens the car door and shouts, "Oh no! It's happened again!".
In the backseat now sits two accordians.
I wonder if they'll notice the book table getting more full each time we pass.

I just hope this isn't there.


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