My Favorite Cook's Birthday
For those of you who don’t watch a lot of TV, or don’t yet know the joy of the Food Network, I am pleased to introduce you to Alton Brown. Mr. Brown, or Alton (Al – ton) as he is known in our house, is part chef, part TV host, chemist, MC, electrical, and mechanical engineer, and comedian. His show on the Food Network, Good Eats should be considered as “educational TV”. Not only does Alton teach you how to braise beef and retrofit your variable speed drill with mixing paddles, but he’ll also tell you why the molecules in emulsions do what they do and give you a brief history of cans. There is nothing this guy won’t tackle – and he does it with great style!
Here, for your edification and preparatory pleasure, is Alton's Beef Map.

In addition to Good Eats, the ubiquitous Mr. Brown hosts Iron Chef America, his own show, Feasting on Asphalt which combines his joy of motorcycle riding with food of the American highways and byways (I love roadtrips, but I wasn’t really fond of this show during the first season, anyway). He’s written a few cookbooks, and has awesome kitchen gear.

You have to love a guy whose motto is “Science: It’s what’s for dinner!”
Happy Birthday, SB!
Here, for your edification and preparatory pleasure, is Alton's Beef Map.

In addition to Good Eats, the ubiquitous Mr. Brown hosts Iron Chef America, his own show, Feasting on Asphalt which combines his joy of motorcycle riding with food of the American highways and byways (I love roadtrips, but I wasn’t really fond of this show during the first season, anyway). He’s written a few cookbooks, and has awesome kitchen gear.

You have to love a guy whose motto is “Science: It’s what’s for dinner!”
Happy Birthday, SB!
RationalJenn, on the other hand, watches that weird cake decorating competition show. Weird, weird stuff. "With 232 pounds of stiff frosting, three toothpicks and an air brush, Team Smith has constructed a life-sized Easter Island head. But the temperature in the room has destabilized the structure, and... look out!!! Run away!!!"
RationalJenn, on the other hand, watches that weird cake decorating competition show. Weird, weird stuff. "With 232 pounds of stiff frosting, three toothpicks and an air brush, Team Smith has constructed a life-sized Easter Island head. But the temperature in the room has destabilized the structure, and... look out!!! Run away!!!"
Yes, yes I do! I gotta get my thrills somehow! :o)
I love when Alton talks from inside the oven, or to the lady in the fridge, or to Q (is that her name? - the queen of kitchen tools - who is actually Alton's chiropractor - go figure). But the best part is the science - he makes cooking really cool.
Watching Good Eats helped turn SB into a foodie/chef guy and now we're at the CIA to celebrate his birthday (no, not that CIA, the Culinary Institute of America). The last three winners of Top Chef trained here. It's a beautiful place - I hope to post on it tomorrow.