3 Good Things (Locking Yourself Out Edition)
In the spirit of looking on the bright side, here are three
good things I made note of as I walked home from the building where I locked my
purse, keys, and phone inside an otherwise empty theatre, realizing only after I checked the remote mailbox that
the keys in my hand were not my real keys, but merely the mailbox keys, and
that the extra precautions I took to make sure
the door locked behind me to save said real keys, purse, and phone from the
marauding band of thieves in that building was actually a BAD idea. And the worst
part? The mailbox was empty!
Now onto the promised good
- I live less than two miles away from said building.
- It was a lovely day.
- Just earlier today I had noticed children riding bikes in a makeshift sidewalk over the overpass spanning the highway between my house and the building.