Not the Hokey-Pokey

A friend at the gym was sporting a t-shirt that read:
Stronger people are harder to kill.
Its pithy wisdom made me laugh. Turns out, because it was a CrossFit Gym t-shirt, the source is probably Mark Rippetoe -- the author of many strength training books including Strong Enough? from which that phrase was pulled -- who said:
Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and generally more useful.
Encapsulated in one funny sentence in the serious idea that living well not only requires constant effort, but also that only some people choose to make those efforts. This strength is not limited to weight lifting, but applies to all types of productive work we do to make ourselves stronger both in body and mind.  

And that's what it's all about.

(For more Mark Rippetoe wit and wisdom, see here.)


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