Happy Birthday Kay Thompson

Are you a fan of the Eloise books? Are you a fan of Audrey Hepburn movies? If you are, you should really know that Kay Thompson, the writer of the Eloise books is the same Kay Thompson who plays the indomitable Maggie Prescott in the musical Funny Face.

Okay. I wouldn’t give up black or be quite so quick to dismiss chartreuse, but you have to love her. She steals the scene from eveyone but Paris itself in this number "Bonjour Paris!"

As a fan of the Eloise movies, and of Audrey Hepburn, I was thrilled to discover this information only yesterday and be able to commemorate the 100th anniversary of this remarkable woman’s birthday.


Christina said…
I had no idea that the wonderful actress who sings "Ring-a-dem-bells" with Fred Astaire in Funny Face was also the author of the Eloise books! Thanks for the info. Wonder how many other musical actresses wrote/write children's books, too? There's Julie Andrews, of course. Know of any more?
Lynne said…
Me neither! Cool beans, huh?

Did you see that she started a night club act with Andy Williams? Huh? Huh?

She wrote Eloise at Christmastime at the same time she starred in Funny Face. And I can't even plan meals, homeschool one child, and manage to exercise regularly within the same week.

Makes me feel like a slacker, I tell you.

Well, now I'm even more inspired to write one song and get together with my other one-song-written friends and create a musical!

What are we waiting for?

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