A ball bouncing game from my youth instructed the player to throw the ball up ( plainsies ), throw it up and clap ( clapsies ) throw it up and roll your hands ( roll the ball ) and touch your shoulders ( tabapsies ). In trying to locate the rest of the ball bouncing chant, I found out not only is my “tabapsies” a mondegreen , but also the motion – touching your shoulders – isn’t even the correct movement! You are supposed to clap your hands behind your back and say “ to backsies .” Yeah. That makes much more sense. Being only slightly deflated by this discovery, I will still share my exciting news. In an attempt to counteract the stretching of my wrist from doing front squats two days in a row, I pulled out the tabapsies motion this morning. This, in itself, is not newsworthy. However, I grabbed both shoulders with all five fingers!!! Again, not exciting unless you know that when I was nine years-old, I broke my left elbow doing a running c...
Made a career of my kids.
It only works for the present.
Whatever it is, it'll be spectacular. (6 words)
With my wife, asymptotically approaching perfection.
It sounds dirty; I like that.
Dancing is where I belong. K-14
I'm always singing in the rain. V-9
And me? I'm not done yet.
In fairness to me, Stephen did steal my personal three word tag line -
Asymptotically approaching perfection.
Then he added me to the mix. That just makes it harder for me to be mad at him for pilfering it. Not impossible, just harder.