Have You Gotten Your Letter Yet?
Today is my youngest daughter's 11th birthday.
I'm certain that this simple letter will be her most favorite present - ever.

Wouldn't it have been yours?
I'm certain that this simple letter will be her most favorite present - ever.

Wouldn't it have been yours?
Making a note for 4 years from now.....
And Happy Birthday to your daughter!
I must warn you ladies not to make the same rookie mistake that I made: Don't forget the ink used on the envelope is green!
I will never live that down.
And while I couldn't make it fly, I do have a snowy owl puppet and wish I had remembered that and hung it and the letter from the light in her room. Oh well, live and learn.
Even with the gaff of not using the right color ink, and your limited skill set in making things fly, given the fact that you are a muggle, you earned yourself major mom points!
Strictly speaking, I might not be a muggle. I'm quite sure my mother is a witch, which in no way insults her.
Happy birthday to your daughter.
Was just planning to reread The Half-Blood Prince. Grumble, grumble. Amongst other books I'm SUPPOSED to be reading.
Happy Birthday, you-know-who!
I've put a reminder in my calendar for a month before my kids' 11th birthday so that I don't forget the Hogwarts acceptance letter. How's that for forward planning? LOL
I don't know what the difference is, but I came out as Hermione in both, so they're obviously quite accurate.