A ball bouncing game from my youth instructed the player to throw the ball up ( plainsies ), throw it up and clap ( clapsies ) throw it up and roll your hands ( roll the ball ) and touch your shoulders ( tabapsies ). In trying to locate the rest of the ball bouncing chant, I found out not only is my “tabapsies” a mondegreen , but also the motion – touching your shoulders – isn’t even the correct movement! You are supposed to clap your hands behind your back and say “ to backsies .” Yeah. That makes much more sense. Being only slightly deflated by this discovery, I will still share my exciting news. In an attempt to counteract the stretching of my wrist from doing front squats two days in a row, I pulled out the tabapsies motion this morning. This, in itself, is not newsworthy. However, I grabbed both shoulders with all five fingers!!! Again, not exciting unless you know that when I was nine years-old, I broke my left elbow doing a running cartwheel; the repai
The colors of the linens and the walls have been changed to protect the innocent, but the environment, the computer models, and of course, the stunningly intellectual conversation are remarkably true to life.
What's odd is that we're on the wrong sides. Must have been a mirror thing (not TMI, just closet doors).