Objectivist Round Up #158

Welcome to this 158th edition of the Objectivist Round Up,blog carnival of posts written by individuals who are advocates of Objectivism: the philosophy developed and defined by Ayn Rand.

If you are new to Ayn Rand and would like to discover more about her "philosophy for living on earth", I recommend you read her two great novels,
Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. If you enjoy her novels, I recommend her essays Man’s Rights, and The Nature of Government. The Ayn Rand Institute and the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights provide relevant information and commentary.

Following, in the order in which they were received*, are the posts for this Objectivist Round Up.

Khartoum presents The Ambani’s Fiasco posted at Reddie Reasons., saying, "My commentary on the feud between the Indian government and the multi-billion dollar Ambani's over natural gas extracted from off-shore property."

Rachel Miner presents Tooth Fairy Musings posted at The Playful Spirit, saying, "Sharing the experience of the first three lost teeth. (Well, it's really four, but one disappeared.) I was a little nervous about the mixing of real/pretend, but it's been solid fun!"

Paul Hsieh presents Should You Be Allowed To Know What's In Your DNA? posted at NoodleFood, saying, "PajamasMedia published my latest OpEd on the new FDA rules restricting direct-to-consumer genetic testing."

Flibbert presents Arthur Sales: My New Boyfriend posted at Trey Givens, saying, "I'm submitting this one just because I can't stop looking at this guy. He is so smokin' hot!! Including that grubby thing growing on his chin.You should check him out. By the way, have you joined OHomos yet? You should. It's totally OSSUM!"

Paul Hsieh presents Chest Pain in an 80-Year Old Woman posted at NoodleFood, saying, "A real-life story from the Emergency Room"

Rational Jenn presents My Official State Homeschooling Packet posted at Rational Jenn, saying, "In which I notice which documents and requests for information sent to me by the state are, and are not, in compliance with the law."

Zip presents Peace at any Cost posted at UNCOMMMON SENSE, saying, "Let's get back to work and fight this war like it really matters, because you know what... it does."

Jenn Casey and Kelly Elmore presents Are You a Fan Yet? posted at Cultivating the Virtues, saying, "CtV has a Facebook Fan Page! As of this writing, we have 75 fans (thanks!). Can we make it an even hundred?"

Kelly Elmore presents Mini-Con and Real Life posted at Reepicheep's Coracle, saying, "This post is my thoughts about our Atlanta Objectivist Mini-Con. I've included a picture that sums up the whole experience."

Amy Mossoff presents Mossoff Montessori posted at The Little Things, saying, "Here is a pretty extensive report on my first week of Montessori homeschooling."

Mike Zemack presents The Coming Collision Between the Doctors and the State posted at Principled Perspectives, saying, "My 6/1/10 post reported on how government's licensure powers were being used against doctors resisting participation in 'universal healthcare'. In this post, antitrust as the statists' weapon of choice against the doctors is the subject. In both cases, illegitimate powers granted to government decades ago in defiance of the principles of a free society are shown to have proceeded to their logical result – instruments of naked tyranny."

Diana Hsieh presents New OList: OHomos posted at NoodleFood, saying, "I've created a new OList: OHomos. It's for GLBT Objectivists, although others are welcome to lurk. It's managed by Trey Peden."

Doug Reich presents How the Government is Causing Unemployment posted at The Rational Capitalist, saying, "Are stifling regulations, minimum wage laws, stimulus, and higher taxes the cause or the cure for chronic unemployment?"

Doug Reich presents The Government's War on Internet Freedom: Kill Switch Edition posted at The Rational Capitalist, saying, "How Western government's are using the threat of 'terrorism' both to create a Leviathan intelligence apparatus and justify throttling internet freedom."

Doug Reich presents Is "Obamanomics" Working? posted at The Rational Capitalist, saying, "Is 'Obamanomics' working? Only if you believe, like modern economists, that destruction is a value."

Ari Armstrong presents Harry Potter Series Maligned by Media Article posted at Values of Harry Potter, saying, "In 2008, a paper in the American Communication Journal claimed that the Potter series presents an 'extremely negative depiction of journalism that could have an adverse effect on child readers.' I reply that the paper ignores critical context and key passages from the novels."

That concludes this week's edition of the Objectivist Round Up. Past round ups and future hosts may be found here, and submittals may be made here for next's week Round Up hosted by Benpercent.

*As a last minute host, I received the html insta-carnival full of incredibly messy automated code. If I made mistakes, I apologize, and ask that you let me know (as a comment that will go unpublished) and I will fix it if possible. (I changed all of the internal double quotation marks, which are automatically generated by putting comments in quotation marks, to single quotation marks, but don't want to change the intent of anyone's words. If you want the words originally in double quotations to be italicized, or retain the double marks, let me know). Thanks.


Jenn Casey said…
Thanks for saving the day! I hate that it was such a pain to reformat. But you probably shouldn't get me started on Blog Carnival....

Anyway, thanks again!
Lynne said…
Days after the initial grunts and groans, I can now say, it was my pleasure!

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