The Big 25000

Yesterday during the flurry of the Objectivist Round Up visits, my blog had its 25000th visitor! Why this is more important than its 24000th or 21932nd visitor, I can’t say – but it seemed a momentous occasion worthy of taking note.

So to mark the occasion, I took a screen shot of my site meter summary page:

Then, knowing what would be the obvious draw, I went to check the referral source of my momentous occasion visitor.

Imagine my surprise to find not the Objectivist Round Up, any recent post, or even any of the dog week eye candy series as the reason for the 25000th visitor! My momentous occasion visitor was looking for a “giraffe print binder” (for the record, visitor 25001 was looking for a "zebra print binder") and it all started with this one little 3 Good Things post.
I’m telling you, people, animal print stationery is big!

(On that zebra print binder PSA I wanted to tell commenter Kim that perhaps using her new zebra binder for her English class would help her focus more, but my soft animal-print-loving heart wouldn't let me do it.)


The Rat Cap said…
Congrats. I enjoy your blog and it's a great milestone to get so many visitors.
Lynne said…
Thanks, Doug. Yes, 25000 visitors with at least half looking for zebra stationery, dogs, or Twilight Binders is quite an accomplishment! But I am glad you enjoy the blog, too!

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