Are You Shovel-Ready?

I thought this article (via AWAD) regarding the origin of the term “shovel-ready” into the political lexicon was fun and informative.

First, what does it mean? Executives at the company, then called Niagara-Mohawk Power, figured entrepreneurs would be more likely to develop the brownfields if they knew in advance that the sites already had electrical service and gas and sewer lines, as well as preliminary environmental permits. But they needed a catchy way of saying that.

Now that we know what it means and how it’s used, we should be aware and ready to take advantage of our own shovel-ready opportunities. Once he establishes a solid infrastructure, each American, as protected by the First Amendment, has always had, and still retains, all the permission necessary to begin developing a better future no matter how polluted the site may seem.

Too metaphorical?

Combat bad ideas entrenched in our country with principled arguments.

Well, that’s what I get out of it, anyway.

I’ve got to go inspect my power lines now.


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