Going Green Tip #1

When lunching with friends and business clients alike, remember to show your environmental sensitivity. If you don't have the luxury of cloth napkins, save some paper by wiping your hands on your pants and your face on your sleeve!


C. August said…
HA! That is awesome.
tm said…
I've been green for a long time then! When I'm expecting company, I always use my pants to dry my hands instead of messing up the hand towel in the bathroom. And now that my toddling 1 year old has decided that kitchen towels make a great thing to lug around, I'm often using my pants to dry my hands in the kitchen as well. I guess that will lessen the carbon footprint of having a new baby.
C. August said…
Speaking of carbon footprints, my mother gave me two pair of Gold Toe socks for xmas. They were hyped as being "green"... made from bamboo fibers (it's sustainable!)

This of course has led to numerous smelly, sweaty, carbon footprint jokes.
Katie Davis said…
Very funny. Thanks for making me smile.
Lynne said…
Kim, congratulations! You are well on your way to carbon redemption.

C. August, do you like the socks? Do they have value in other ways, or are they just an attempt to buy you an indulgence to ease your way toward carbon redemption?
C. August said…
The socks are fine. If I didn't see the bright green packaging and prominent mention of the sustainable resource of bamboo fibers, I would have thought they were plain old black dress socks.

I think they were simply on sale. Or perhaps my mom was trying to make a little joke and see if she could jerk my chain a little bit.

But, I do think that Gold Toe is trying to cash in on the Carbon Indulgences trend, just like everyone else. I don't have a problem with companies trying to profit from making products people want to buy... I just wish "going green" wasn't as effective of a marketing technique as it appears to be.
Lynne said…
And thanks for commenting, Principled Parent. I've been as boring as dirt (the title of one of my many unposted posts) lately so I appreciate the appreciation.

Wow. That's one sad commentary.
Daniel said…
Agreed. This is a good post!

I'm a somewhat new Objectivist blogger, at The Nearby Pen and Systemically Important so this was not only funny but inspirational to boot.
Lynne said…
Well, thanks for stopping by and have fun with blogging! I'll have to make some comments on your Art Attack posts(that's after I watch a few more episodes).
Daniel said…
Cool. At the Travel Channel website for the show, which I linked to, there are a few exclusive videos. One in particular is worth watching--where two statues by the master Daniel Chester French are analyzed...

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