Wait Listed

While I'm waiting for my boiler to heat up and push out enough hot water in order to keep up with the call of the thermostat (a 12 degree difference!), and waiting for the library to email me to let me know that my book, a Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, is in through the inter-library loan system, I've been inspired by all the list making going on around me lately.

First: Cool beans.

Real Simple, January 2009 issue, "The List Issue" gives us some cool lists, like 78 chairs under $100. Let me say, don't go looking for the plastic Eiffel chair (shown on left and on the cover page of the story) at Overstock for $90. I wasn't too surprised that this iconic Eames reproduction wasn't there; however, I was pleasantly surprised to find in a pair for $165 on the net. But before you jump on the deal, think about this: is the tres cool design worth the inordinate increase in static electricity shocks? For me, yes. For my youngest, no way.

Also from Real Simple, according to the list 3 things that the happiest women do (1. They cancel appointments to get more time alone. 2. They don't always answer the phone. 3. They know how to say no.) it's no wonder why I'm so damn happy.

Secondly: Good for me.

I might give the listing exercise Three Good Things another try. Amy at The Little Things has been posting for hers a while, Rational Jenn has recently jumped in on it, and I started this exercise last year based on a recommendation on Jean Moroney's Thinking Directions. After a brief time, I gave it up as I was already quite happy. But the thing is, I had forgotten the point of the exercise. Making lists of small things that are good help you to identify what is consistently important to you and possibly where and how to focus your attention. I don't know about you, but I can always use help focusing my attention. Oh look, a chicken!

Finally: Need to know.

In exploring the economic crisis, Beth at Wealth is not the Problem has been really inspirational to me. When discussions about the economic crisis pop up, and where don't they these days, I feel immediately stymied by the lack of depth of my economic knowledge. But I am determined to learn more. In addition to some great posts, Beth has listed a lot of great resources for the new year. As learning is hierarchical, I'm starting with the basics. I think I can handle it.

And if you're looking for a brief readable history of the road to individualism, I recommend the series of posts in Sylvia Bokor Comments.


Jenn Casey said…
Oh look, a chicken!

Lynne said…
It's a traditional family phrase used to indicate that the speaker has completely lost focus. Recounted as an actual utterance by matriarch during a non-related diatribe long ago.

I think it sums things up nicely.
Jenn Casey said…
When we encounter someone who isn't listening, or realize that we weren't paying attention to someone ourselves, we say "Sausage?" in a quizzical tone. Based on a true story. :o)
Lynne said…
When someone hears something totally different from what has been said, we call them "Doctor Goose" based on a funny misinterpretation of the name of a popular children chase game.

I feel a new list coming on...
Anonymous said…
Ahhh, family traditions. Thanks for the link!
HaynesBE said…
I have been enjoying your 3 Good Things. It got me to take the time to catch up on your posts, something my econblogging has distracted me from. I was wondering if you got it from Thinking Tips, so I followed you back to this post and also found your links to... me!! Wow. Thanks!
Also, I am inspired, and and your blog is going to be #1 on my first list-of-three.

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