Snow Dog.

Here is our dog, Izzy, enjoying the great outdoors today.

As you can plainly see, she loves the snow.

This is a little game I like to call: Find the Pug.

Oh, she’s in there. You just need to find the one spot in the yard where there is no snow.

She will stand on any surface that is not covered by snow. She's not proud.

After a solid three and a half minutes of play,

here she is, reticent to go back in.

A Pug is hardly a dog at all, but more of an adventure in “what the hell was that noise” for its humans.

Speaking of show dogs (well I was thinking of them), the Westminster Kennel Club AKC Dog Show is coming up! I haven’t been this excited since the return of season 4 of Bones!

And don’t worry if you can’t take in the show both nights. I’ll be sure to update you.

I just love those crazy dogs!


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