When you are a child, you can just compensate by ignoring the image from the weaker eye. But the problem doesn’t go away. Can you say Strabismus or Amblyopia? Treatment when I was a child consisted of the judicious use of eye patches to help strengthen the weak eye, but it didn’t help socially (and the very thick bifocals on top of the patch only enhanced the aberration).
My remaining thought about diplopia is that Foreigner was smart to use the more common term in its song title.
I have to stop listening to the Oldies station in the car.
I'll see if I dig up a picture or two. I know there are some lovely eyepatch pics. Aaaarrrrrr, Matey!
Haven't heard that song in ages.... :o)
I'm sure I have a patch picture somewhere and it is NOT pretty.
No surgery for me, which may explain why after years of little to no sign of the problem, it's coming back.
"Hey, lady! Who you lookin' at?"
I think I'll be wearing the decorative patch soon. Maybe that's part of reason I find "Talk Like a Pirate Day" so entertaining!
Love the designer patch idea. Why not look spiffy?
Oh man! Good times. Yup. Good times.