An Old Dog’s New Trick

Here are the group winners from the WKC Dog Show 2009 day two:


#1 Sussex Spaniel (“Stump” – quite an appropriate name for its color and size)
#2 Golden Retriever
#3 English Setter
#4 Labrador Retriever

I missed half of the Sporting group because I have a real life. Okay, not so much more real than watching the dog show, but one in which I dance! In any case, I knew it was going to be a banner evening when my husband looked up long enough to blurt out, “That Cocker’s got a nice ASCOB!” Then he snickered and returned his attention to his laptop.


#1 Brussels Griffon (This is the breed with which I have fallen in love this year – it looks like a bat trying to be a Pug. He was attentive to his handler and totally adorable).
#2 Pug
#3 Possessed Hassock (Seriously. Have you seen this thing in motion?)
#4 Pomeranian

I think Pomeranians are just adorable, but I found out that they were bred down from 20-30 lbs. sled dogs to 3-7 lbs. lap dogs. That made me kind of sad for some reason.


#1 Giant Schnauzer (I picked this group winner. It’s amazing how much its face looks exactly like the Scottish Terrier. Judging by the rest of the Schnauzer stock, I’m guessing that Terrier is no more Scottish than I am. After much inner debate, I also picked this dog for Best in Show.)
#2 Boxer (I am generally more impressed with this breed than I was this year.)
#3 Alaskan Malamute (Just beautiful.)
#4 Tibetan Mastiff (Last year was the first year this breed was introduced at Westminster. I like it although it doesn’t have a mastiff look to me: more like a very hairy, short nosed Shepherd.)

Exciting news for the Working Group this year, Turner & Hooch finally got the recognition it deserved! Alright, not the horrid movie, but the hideously fantastic Dogue de Bordeaux was introduced to Westminster this year.

Another interesting tidbit, Mr. Doberman, as in the man who developed the Doberman Pinscher, was a tax collector. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?

Best in Show

I toyed with the idea of the Brussels Griffon winning the show, and then, during the walk around, I thought I saw that spark of greatness in the Scotty, but it was only the desperate need to pee, which she satisfied right there in the Best in Show ring. Finally, after much talking to myself, I went with the Giant Schnauzer. But the judge? She went with the Sussex Spaniel.

That’s right! Stump, the oldest dog in the history of Westminster to win a Best in Show! At ten, if he can’t fulfill his reign, I just don’t know who will waddle in to take his place.

And with that, Dog Week 2009 is officially OVAH!

Except this: I heard that the AKC is considering making 10 groups out of the 7 they now have! Oy.


Amy said…
I'm pretty sure it was a Dogue de Bordeaux that started a fight at the dog park the other day. I had never heard of that breed but a lady at the park said they are viscous, like pit bulls.

That Doberman factoid is too good to be true!
Lynne said…
Now, Amy, "there are no such thing as bad dogs", as David Frei likes to say every time a guard dog with a bad reputation comes up. He leaves the rest of it - "just bad owners" - out of the equation.

I think it's safe to say that owning that kind of dog would require a real commitment to discipline training. And lots of wipes.
Christina said…
The Malamute was gorgeous, as was the husky. I was happy to see the Sussex Spaniel win.
Lynne said…
Yeah. I only liked it winning because it was so damn old. Gives me hope for the Miss America pageant.

Really, I was rooting for the Giant Schnauzer.

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