Hot Chicks!

Now that I have your attention...

Yesterday, the ladies arrived in all their shipping box glory at our local post office (strangely with all the purposefully placed air holes covered up by shipping stickers). Our concerns that some might have died during shipping were not lessened by the postal worker who said, “Chicks? Really? I can usually hear them.”

Happily, they just seem to be quietish chicks - for now.

So, without further ado, I present to you, in no particular order,

The Chicks at 95 Degrees:

Jessie and Strawberry, the Rhode Island Reds,

Tushy and Mushy, the barred Plymouth Rocks,

Starburst and Hermione, the Golden-Laced Wyandottes,

And Barbie and Alpha, the Easter Eggers.

It’s true: there is no such breed as Easter Egger, but you can read about why they’re called that here.

Of course, all these names are subject to change as their feathers and personality emerge. For instance, the Wyandottes should really be Fred and George since they're basically twins. And Jessie might be called Kleenex (after the box she'll be using to go into the ground if she isn't able to stay awake longer than 5 seconds at a time. Alpha could be Dromedary because she drinks a ton, and Tushy...well Tushy is quite perfect as she seems to have a bit of the paste-up problem (if you don't know - you don't want to know).

But my favorite thing about the chicks so far is Chick Yoga.

They all do it, and it's fun to watch.

Anyone else itchin' to sing Old McDonald?


HaynesBE said…
Great photos.
O-o-o, already familiar with pasting up? Such fun.
I am so excited for you. I love my lovely ladies.
It is hard to believe, but they really do end up with personalities--but theirs a reason for the phrase "bird-brained."
If you want to get a sense of how important chickens have been in our culture, try to think of all the phrases we have that originate with chickens.
cooped up
getting your hackles up.
pecking order.

Your turn.
Lynne said…
It's so funny. They have all at least shown personality traits distinct to their breeds at 2 or 3 days old. The "twins" go narcoleptic (also fun to watch) at the same time and generally near each other. The Plymouth Rocks like to sleep in the food dish (and believe me, there is no room to sleep there). The Easter Eggers are not afraid of anything, and the Rhodies think they're road runners.

Regarding chicken oriented words, I'm sorry to say that all I've got right now is chicken-shit. Of course, it doesn't help that the dog is really jealous, so dog-shit has also come back into the house.

Let's just say I'm glad I don't have a horse right now.
tm said…
So great. I'm glad you shared that pasting up info--helps ward off my own chicken raising desires. Ever since we could hear a neighbor's rooster, I've been contemplating it. Of course I'm already up to my armpits in animal poop in this house.
Lynne said…
Glad I could inspire you, Kim.

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