After Mine Own Heart

These women could be my new best friends.
Ladies United for the Preservation of the Endangered Cocktail (LUPEC):
[A] classic cocktail society dedicated to breeding, raising, and releasing nearly extinct drinks into the wild (a.k.a. Boston-area bars and restaurants.) Founded in February 2007 by Misty Kalkofen and nine fellow cocktail enthusiasts, LUPEC Boston is the city’s first and only female-oriented cocktail society. The ladies of LUPEC Boston meet once a month to sample delicious cocktail creations from a bygone era, and educate themselves about the important and nearly forgotten forebroads who sipped them. 
And did I mention they blog! (That’s where I got that bit from). How about the alter-egos? Did I mention those? I find this all quite interesting – and in my own backyard, no less.

From the Boston Globe’s article:
The women get together at least once a month to talk about how cocktails and spirits have played a role in history and feminism. Per LUPEC’s bylaws, these meetings/parties must have a theme; past topics include cocktails in classic cinema, first ladies and their cocktails, and the history of New Orleans.

“They run the gamut from geeking out about cocktails to women’s history,’’ Amann said.

Dina Rudick/Globe staff

You can find some other lovely pictures and recipes here.

Apparently, despite my proclamation to the contrary, I need to add St-Germain, a proprietary liqueur (as is Campari), to my list of spirits to explore.  It’s elderflower – that’s close to elderberry, right? Okay, so I still don't know a lot, but I do know that this Pear Martini seems like it might fulfill my desire to find the best holiday cocktails perfectly.

Now if they only had a cocktail party theme about the derivation of certain expressions, I’d definitely make the trip.  For now, I'm sticking with there's no place like home for the holidays


Cheryl said…
Don't join without me!
Lynne said…
Let's find out where they'll be in Jan/Feb and discuss.

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