Happy Boxing Day!

I've heard of Boxing Day for a long time but never bothered to find out what it means. You can look on Wikipedia, Fact Monster, or any of your favorite search sites to find out.  Or you can watch my 47 second video with an ill-fitting bit of audioswap jazz music in the background.  Actually, much like suit and Johnny Bravo, the audio bit was exactly the same length as the video bit, so I chose it.

In addition to what I've included, it seems that Boxing Day has become the traditional day of charitable giving.  As I truly want to make the world a better place for me and my children to live in, I am once again giving to an organization that continues in its tireless efforts to educate, elucidate, and enlighten us all on the sanctity and sovereignty of the individual - the organization that consistently ties pursuit of happiness on this earth to reality.


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