Shhhhh. I'm Reading.

In addition to watching eagles in their nest, I have been reading.  Books, that is! And it's about time. I needed to clarify the "books" part because - and I don't admit this proudly - I've been reading the eagle nest chatroom chatter as well. Gadzooks!  It's that bad. But perhaps this odd obsession has helped me to clarify that I need to spend more time on less ephemeral reading.  Even more weightly than perhaps, say, blog posts, although many of those are very good and challenging while many of the following books far easier to process. But, there's just something so textural about a book.

Books are wonderful.

This is what I'm reading:

Howard's End by E.M.Forster
Status: Lost the book half-way through it.  I do consider this still within my currently reading stack, because I plan to finish it once I find it.  Even though it is a reread, I didn't remember much.  I have little stickies all through the first half, so I can quickly remind myself of the important parts and the parts worthy of more discussion.

We the Living by Ayn Rand
Status: I am enjoying this book much more than I thought I would based on the fact that I fell asleep during the Italian movie four times. I don't think I even finished watching it, in fact. I definitely will finish watching it once I finish reading it. The introduction, by Leonard Peikoff, and foreword, by Ayn Rand 22 years after having written the book, alone are enlightening.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
Status: Next neighborhood book club book. It's in letters so it ought to be a fast read.  For the first time in over two years of monthly books, I cheated and went to the last meeting without having read, or even attempting to read, the book. Because the book was one of my favorites, I didn't think I had to reread.  I plan on cheating again next month when it's my turn and suggest Howard's End.  You know - if I can find it.  At least then I'll be assured of having read at least half of it.

Long-term Shared Reading:
Atlas Shrugged (with husband - yes, still)
Ivanhoe (with daughter)

Still in the To Be Read Stack:
An American Wife
Good Calories, Bad Calories
A Year in High Heels
The Girl Who Played with Fire

As I read over the list of titles above, I'm struck by how they seem to encapsulate my life, but I digress.

I need to do more book reading - that's it.


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