Looking for Art

Which way is the art?
How about this way?
Have you seen the art?  No, not folk art.
Aaah. Mr. Washington leads the way.

The portrait of Mr. Lyon tells one of my favorite stories.

William Morris Hunt seems to underpaint. I really like the effect.

Mary Cassatt

John White Alexander 

A few John Singer Sargent favorites.

Ikebana boat full of colorful dimensional glass pieces.

Mille Fiore by Chihuly

Neodymium Reeds

There's something about a large art installation that almost always grabs my attention. Add dramatic lighting and it's rather atmospheric.  I'm not sure what these abstract pieces mean, if anything, but the largeness of the work alone forces my transportation into its world rather than allowing me to wander into the painting or wonder what it would be like in the pose of the sculpture. 


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