Happy Historic Halloween

In searching for a “How To” video for Rosie the Riveter’s hairdo for my teenage daughter, I found some really cool things. First, did you know that Rosie the Riveter was the name of Norman Rockwell’s painting and not the iconic We Can Do It poster? You probably did, but I’m a little late to the table.

This excellent video from the Library of Congress explores the origins of the iconic Rosie and the real women who worked for the war effort during World War II. As in my History through Art for Adults class, this video also explores the historic symbolic intricacies of Rockwell’s image.

And here’s a fascinating comparison from the video:

Rockwell's Rosie & Michelangelo’s Prophet Isaiah

Of course, my daughter is not so interested in this burly Rosie as she is in Rosie as portrayed by, say, Christina Aguilera.

Happily, my younger daughter, who is also animated by historic figures, is being Anne Boleyn – with a head! As an eleven year-old, she is not portraying her a la Showtime The Tudors fame, but more like the official portrait fame. And therein lies the difference between the teen and the tween. But it's all good!

Have a Happy Halloween.


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