Objectivist Round Up #120

I am really happy to be hosting the Objectivist Round Up #120. This blog carnival is a collection of posts written by individuals who are advocates of Objectivism: the philosophy developed and defined by Ayn Rand.

If you are new to Ayn Rand and would like to discover more about her philosophy, I recommend you read her two greatest novels, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. If you are interested in her non-fiction, I recommend my two favorite essays, “Man’s Rights” and “The Nature of Government.” The Ayn Rand Institute and the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights provide relevant information and commentary.

Following, in the order in which they were received, are the posts for this 120th Objectivist Round Up.

Jason Stotts presents The Christians are Burning Witches (Again) posted at Erosophia, ” An analysis of the rise of christians burning witches in Africa.”

Jason Stotts also presents Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License posted at Erosophia, saying, “Even in 2009, racism is alive and well.”

Pomponazzi presents Digesting Principles of Objectivism: posted at Pomponazzi ponders, saying, ”This is my first post. I try to concretize what chewing an Idea means. The idea chewed is, ‘Force and mind are opposites’."

Benjamin Skipper presents Slavery or the Highway: "Volunteerism" posted at Benpercent, saying, “Contrary to popular opinion, "volunteerism" is not an ideal or even a mistaken good intention, but rather a vicious idea that will lead to slavery unless attacked at its root: the morality of altruism.”

Andy presents The Skeptical Atheists Or The Tea Party-Goers posted at The Charlotte Capitalist, saying, “In my post, ‘The Epistemology of Richard Dawkins’, I asked: ‘I do wonder if these young Dawkins fans are much better potential Objectivists than the older Tea Party-goers.’ Having been involved in two Tea Parties (April 15 and July 4) and also then investigated the Dawkins crowd, I think these skeptical atheists are the much better opportunity for rational change.”

Sylvia Bokor presents Ideas and Politics posted at Sylvia Bokor Comments.

John Cox presents To The Precipice posted at John and Ansley, saying, “Last week, the Fed announced sweeping new regulations on compensation across the entire financial industry. Where does this leave the defense of Individual Rights in America?”

Ari Armstrong presents Radical Environmentalists Undermine Human Progress posted at FreeColorado.com, saying it’s a “Review of Not Evil, Just Wrong.”

John Drake presents Writing 5 year goals - a personal example posted at Try Reason!, saying, “On the recommendation of past comments, I have expanded on my prior post on writing 5 year goals, providing my personal experience in writing my own.”

Rational Jenn presents Look on my Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair! posted at Rational Jenn, saying, “The FTC thinks that blog readers need protection from blog authors. As such, I have outlined a few policies for my blog. For your own protection from my Momnipotence.”

Greg Perkins presents Kant Versus America posted at NoodleFood, saying, “In the Objectivism Seminar's ongoing exploration of Dr. Peikoff's The Ominous Parallels, we discuss Chapter 6 which looks at the fundamental opposition between core American ideals and German ideological imports.”

Daniel presents TV Series: Pillars of the Earth posted at The Nearby Pen, saying, “If you aren't looking forward to 2010 already, start now. Pillars of the Earth is going to be shown as an 8 hour mini-series!”

Gus Van Horn presents The Oath Fakers posted at Gus Van Horn, saying, “The solution to bad laws is to repeal them, not to undermine rule of law.”

Paul Hsieh presents Public Plan Mirage posted at We Stand FIRM saying, The "public plan" has re-emerged in the current health care debate. Fortunately, Robert Samuelson exposes it for the mirage that it is.”

Jeff Montgomery presents Comments On FRONTLINE's The Warning posted at Fun With Gravity, saying, “The PBS show FRONTLINE attempts to make economic freedom seem sinister in its documentary ‘The Warning’.”

Diana Hsieh presents Explore Atlas Shrugged: Explore Atlas Shrugged: Session 4 posted at Explore Atlas Shrugged, saying, “This post contains my podcast and questions for the fourth of twenty sessions on Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged.”

Brendan Moore presents Why Are We Losing? posted at The Undercurrent, saying, “Troop surges, tactical air strikes, and withdrawal and retreat. These are all terms Americans should be familiar with by now, but many Americans have been impelled to ask a truly frightening question: Is it enough?”

Edward Cline presents The Mainstream Smearing of Ayn Rand posted at The Rule of Reason, saying, “As most of our lawmakers consider raising the subject of the unlawfulness of their actions as beyond the bounds of polite or legitimate enquiry, the overwhelming consensus of contemporary critics is that Ayn Rand’s philosophy of reason and individual rights cannot -- should not -- be taken seriously and must be treated with similar contempt and ignorance.”

Jared Rhoads presents Fixing doctor shortages posted at The Lucidicus Project, saying, “HRSA has half a billion dollars to spend to help alleviate the shortage of doctors in the U.S. Is this necessary? Is it fair?”

Stephen Bourque presents Too Big to Fail? posted at One Reality, saying, “The fact that the president and his team of czars think they can fire executives, defy shareholder contracts, and set wages to what they deem fit, is shocking and outrageous.”

Doug Reich presents The Fed's Wish Part III: Exit Strategy and Deflation Confusion posted at The Rational Capitalist, saying, “What is the Fed up to these days and how is government policy, predicated on a fallacious understanding of inflation and deflation, could mire us in stagnation forever.”

Good reading.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of Objectivist Round Up using the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.


Jenn Casey said…
Thanks for hosting! The carnival looks great! :o)
Lynne said…
Thanks for your assistance.

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