Virtual Coffee Mug #5

I've been collecting a few things that I'd like to link to in this one post. This is not to imply that each does not deserve its own post, but rather after having given them all some thought, I could come up with nothing better than the links themselves.

I Love Cheese
A list of facts you may or may not have known about this luscious substance can be found here at listverse. And if you love cheese and typestyles, this little quiz (via a Facebook friend) is not to be missed!

I Love Words
Though I may sometimes seem model myself after Norm Crosby or Amelia Bedelia, I appreciate the actual and implied meaning of words. Like the faintest change in hue, the subtle nuances of words can create an amazingly different tone. World Wide Words (via Rockhound Place) is a fun blog about words and phrases - my most recent favorite of which is crepe hanger.

I Love Atlas Shrugged
Because of our sadly inconsistent efforts, we are only now nearing the end of Part I in our rereading of the book. But my enthusiasm has been invigorated by the work of Diana Hsieh (of NoodleFood) who has constructed a new blog for the systematic book club study of Atlas Shrugged. Not only do I plan to use this blog as a check on our attention to the details, but I hope to start my own local book study group in the new year using it as a guide. I'll keep you posted on that.

I Love to See Light Dawn
While this author may display more of an "everything's funny as long as it happens to someone else" attitude than an understanding of the proper role of government, it is clear that he comes close to a partial understanding of the problems with a paternalistic government. With lines like, "Today's morality cops are less interested in your bedroom than your refrigerator," how far can he be from making the connection that all attempted government control of personal behavior is wrong? (via Gus Van Horn)


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