Inspired by Proudly Standing Corn?

On this date of his birth, enjoy some of the fabulous music of Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). 

I find the 3rd movement of Summer to be especially fitting as I write to my congressmen about their unscrupulous efforts toward health care bill reconciliation.

Alas, his worst fears were justified, as the heavens roar and great hailstones beat down upon the proudly standing corn.
While I read the letter over, making certain that I have been strong, but clear, I'm inspired by Winter, 1st movement because to me it represents the joy of life over the destructive adversity of the cold.

Allegro non molto
Shivering, frozen mid the frosty snow in biting, stinging winds;
running to and fro to stamp one's icy feet, teeth chattering in the bitter chill.
That part of the sonnet does not include my triumphant feelings from the music in words, but that's what it inspires in me.

Finally, when I put the letters in the mailbox, I will hear the hopeful music of Spring, 1st movement.

Springtime is upon us.
The birds celebrate her return with festive song,
and murmuring streams are softly caressed by the breezes.
Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring, roar, casting their dark mantle over heaven,
Then they die away to silence, and the birds take up their charming songs once more.
All of the movements of the Four Seasons can be played through Wikipedia.  Each of the four sonnets that he wrote for the music may be found here.

Congressional addresses may be found here and here.


Amy said…
Lynne, you continue to amaze me with your integrations! Brilliant!

And thanks for the sonnets. I didn't know about them. I love the "proudly standing corn" line. It reminds me of the lyrics to The Trees by Neil Peart.

I'm off to Wikipedia to read it all now.
Amy said…
Oh, I mean I'm off to that other site, not Wiki.
Lynne said…
Those are some great lyrics. Stephen recites the song from time to time and the youngest tries to paraphrase the concretes every so often - the results of which are often comical.

The best part of the morning (besides your lovely compliment - thank you) is that my letters have been written and are ready to be mailed!
Deb said…
Have you all seen the Google page today? The graphic is a beautiful one, dedicated to Vivaldi.
Deb said…
About the letters: Lynne, I have a spreadsheet of the 30 Democratic congresspeople who might be swing votes in this issue. I mailed letters to them on Monday. I can send you the spreadsheet and label sheet if you want to send to them!
Lynne said…
Google graphic?

Not only have I seen it, but as I went to look up congressional addresses this morning, it prompted me to listen to some Vivaldi online. So the graphic actually inspired the post. It is fantastically vivid!

Sure, Deb, I'd love to have those addresses. I'm on a roll. Email me.

Lynne said…
By the way, after mailing my letters and feeling pretty good about it, I began to hum the music. Unfortunately, instead of Vivaldi's Spring, it was Karl Jenkins' Diamond Music. (I always confuse his tunes with Vivaldi's even though his are more like the presto Summer movement!) Lucky for me, however, I had the 11 year-old there to point out my mistake.

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