My Crimson Footprint

I guess this is where the red leather hits the road.
Footfalls take on a whole new meaning when your foot falls and hits the ground at a 45° angle and only a small part of it bears the brunt. Yeow! 
If I don’t post for the next few days, it’s because I’ll be busy studying this.

Or doing this.
You have to love a foot exercise video with equipment!
Or practicing like this.

I had no idea that my shoe lust would spawn a new exercise routine for me. More than wanting to avoid the pain of plantar fasciitis and aggravating the metatarsal injury I sustained in an incidental run in no-heel/no-support boots in September, I want to be able to walk like that!  
For the thirty feet in each three hour period of every three months that I’ll be walking in these beauties*, Dr. Legs is going to become my new best friend. I’m committed to doing this thing right. 

*This is just an estimate.  As of now, I have no actual plans to wear them out.


Christina said…
What--you didn't wear them to chorus today?

Lynne said…
I haven't mastered all my foot exercises yet!

Maybe for the performance, though - I'll be as tall as my neighbor!

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