Shrunken Head Update

I know you're dying to see the progress on our Halloween Shrunken Head project. So without further ado, I give you two of them on Day 1 (as carved).

And here they both are on Day 10, respectively.

Ew. The guy above looks really gross (mold in your mouth will do that), and the guy on the right - YIKES!
I can hardly wait to see what they look like when they develop that pinkish tinge.


Deb said…
Can you put them in a warm oven on Day 1 and speed up the process?
Lynne said…
Martha (yes, we're on a first name basis) says you can use a dehydrator so I don't know why you couldn't put them in the oven for a similar effect.

As for me, if I'm going to put apples in the oven, they'd best be covered in cinnamon and sugar with a pinch of nutmeg and maybe even stuffed between two layers of a flaky butter crust. YUM.

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